Friday, 30 November 2007

Soft Prosthetics

Soft Prosthetics deals with the phenomena of external internal interfaces of soft boundary engineered tissue augmented and conscious of its performance within a system.

Soft Prosthetics are a thought provoking experiment in which the notion of second order metareproduction with the help of bespoke and augmented technologies such as CAAD is explored and implemented within a virtual continuum that spans from biology, structure and materiality towards ritual performance driven data artefacts . The idea of the digital augmentation of the object and the creation of its reproductive virtual Doppelgänger is on of the key elements of a soft prostethetic in which the aid becomes assimilated, transformed and later accepted by the host and a genetic expression of it. With the experiment of the soft hip replacement I envisage to create a first bridge between the actual in use hip and the abstract of its virtual twin. The aspect of the intraface as a semi automaton device bound in a looped system is as well of great interest as it starts to emerge that the soft aspects of manipulation can be transverse exchanged and create unpredicted mutations to the system itself which at that point leads to a higher form of conscious of the object as it flirts around the notion of hybrid and blurred dependencies.

Digital mimesis and the bespoke imitation through functionality and the principle of action and reaction.

In that field of interst the works of Marjan Colletti are very inspirational when he writes:

"Rooted in the Heideggerian unison of techne /craftsmanship and poesis art, CAAD reveals and brings forth forces of metareproduction. A second order making that produces something that reproduces something. The first something fluctuates in a digital limbo ( limbo seen as Intraface_ a homologous framework bounded inside a controlled feedback system) of constructs that exist somewhere between images and things. These intermediary constructs convey 2,5D qualitative properties (rather than quantitative parameters), and mediate authentic digitality with projected reproduction. "

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